Saturday 17 August 2019

Enjoying a good rummage ..

 Stamps for new projects are sometimes  easy to find, having already been sorted  into countries, subjects, colours or just "may be useful for a certain idea not yet started ".  But more often than not, I find myself rummaging around in boxes and bags for likely materials for new projects, or in the latest case to find ordinary definitives in pastel shades to complete a large picture of the Shard abandoned last year  due other projects of  more immediate interest to me, and I might add, the fiddly nature of the task I'd set myself!

  There's something quite therapeutic about sorting through heaps of stamps, and I often find little treasures which make me smile, such as this delightful Isle of Man stamp showing Postman Pat and his Black and White cat.  And I have  a black and white cat of my own, who  also appreciates a good box of stamps.


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